Thursday, March 29, 2007

Tactics puzzle 1

Tactical combinations are the weapons of chess by which we "kill" our opponent. Tactical preparation is the most important training you can obtain to improve your game. Until you are a rated master, you should study tactics more than any other part of the game. Tactical ability is the most significant difference between the beginner and the advanced player.


When I started out as a beginner at chess, I did train tactics
and I found it quite useful to my game of chess.

Here is a puzzle from

Hartlaub-Anon, Berlin 1913

Black plays: 1... Bxb2 2. Bxb2 Nf4+ 3. Kh2 Nxd3. How does white refute this grievous loss of material?

Scroll down for a hint.

Hint: Practically speaking, only a decisive attack can refute an otherwise unanswered loss of a queen.

I think I will post the solution next blog.

Hmm, I will probably post some more puzzles, from different sources. Stay tuned. Btw, endgames are still crucial to know as they are the basics of chess. (with only few pieces remaining on the board, nothing can be simpler, right? lol.)

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